The Ultimate Care of Magical Creatures Quiz

Care Of Magical Creatures is a class at Hogwarts. In this class, students learn about all sorts of different magical creatures that the Wizarding World has to offer. We have put together a Care of Magical Creatures quiz that will test you on the class. This includes questions about teachers, lessons, and more. Prove that you know your stuff by getting a perfect score. A lot of the questions are catered towards book readers, so this will be a challenge if you haven’t read them!

The Ultimate Care of Magical Creatures Quiz

Instructions: We will ask you questions about the class and you have to choose the correct answer. It is in multiple choice format and will give you your score at the very end.

Who Was The Professor Of The Class Before Hagrid Took Over?

Care of Magical Creatures Class Trivia Questions And Answers

This section features a written version of the questions that you just answered. We additionally have provided some extra context for each of them.

1) Who Was The Professor Of The Class Before Hagrid Took Over?

Silvanus Kettleburn was the professor of the class prior to Hagrid taking over. Kettleburn was known to be a reckless teacher and even lost a few of his limbs.

Kettleburn did not appear in the movies but was mentioned a few times in the books. He also makes an appearance in the Hogwarts Mystery video game.

2) In What Year Was Harry When He Had His First Care Of Magical Creatures Class Taught By Hagrid?

Hagrid took over as professor during Harry’s Third year at Hogwarts. This was featured in both the Prisoner Of Azkaban book and movie. Harry was never taught by Kettleburn because students were not allowed to take the class until their third year.

3) Which Creature Did Hagrid Teach Students About In His First Lesson As Professor In Prisoner Of Azkaban?

Hagrid’s first lesson was about Hippogriff’s in Prisoner of Azkaban. This is where Draco Malfoy ended up getting injured by Buckbeak.

On a related note, you can also take our Draco Malfoy quiz to test yourself on him.

4) True Or False: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Was Used As A Textbook In This Class

This is True as Newt Scamander’s Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book was heavily used as a textbook in the class. Newt is best known for being the main character of the Fantastic Beasts series.

If you are a fan, you can also take our Newt Scamander quiz, which is in a similar format to this.

5) What Is The Name Of The Substitute Teacher Who Filled In For Hagrid As Professor?

Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank was the supply teacher who took over for Hagrid when he was not available.

Wilhelmina was played by actress Apple Brook in the Order of the Phoenix movie. She didn’t appear in any other movie but was mentioned a handful of times in the books.

6) Who Wrote The Monster Book of Monsters, Which Was Used As A Textbook For The Class?

Edwardus Lima was the author of The Monster Book of Monsters. This book would attempt to bite off the fingers of the reader unless you stroked its spine.

7) In Order Of The Phoenix (book), Which Creature Was Correctly Identified In Class By Hermione Granger As: “tree-guardians, usually live in wand-trees”

Bowtruckles are known as the tree-guardians, that usually live in wand-trees. Fans of Fantastic Beasts will recognize this species that would stand on Newt’s arm and sometimes hide in his pocket.

8) What Is The Name Of The Hybrid Creatures That Hagrid Had His Fourth-Year Class Feed?

The hybrid creatures are known as Blast-Ended Skrewt’s. It is a combination of a fire crab and a manticore. Harry thought that they looked a lot like lobsters without their shells.

9) True Or False: Students Start Taking Care Of Magical Creatures In Their First Year

This is false as this is an elective course that students can take starting in their third year. It is not available for students in their first two years. This is likely due to the creatures being too dangerous and them wanting to protect the students until they are a bit older.

10) In Harry’s fourth year, which creature did Professor Grubbly-Plank teach students about, saying that they “prefer the woman’s touch“?

The answer is Unicorns as Professor Grubbly-Plank had the girls in the class move to the front. This was from the Goblet of Fire book.

So, what did you score on our Care of Magical Creatures quiz? Let us know in the comment section below. We would also love to know what your favorite creature is from the series.

If you enjoyed this, make sure to also take our difficult Harry Potter movie quiz, which features 24 tough questions.

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