Ginny Weasley Quiz: The Ultimate Trivia Challenge

Ginny Weasley is one of the most popular female characters in the entire Harry Potter saga. She is best known for being the little sister of Ron Weasley and she later becomes the love interest of Harry Potter. Ginny has proved herself to be a badass in both the books and movies. We have put together the ultimate Ginny Weasley quiz to test your knowledge. This includes specific trivia questions about her from both the books and movies.

The Ultimate Ginny Weasley Quiz

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the multiple-choice questions below and we will give you your score at the very end. It will automatically move you on to the next question after you have selected your answer. Under the quiz, we have also provided a full explanation for each question and answer.

Who Was Ginny's Date At Slughorn’s Christmas Party?
What Is Ginny's Real Name?
When Is Ginny's Birthday?
What Animal Does Ginny's Patronus Charm Take The Form Of?
Which Organization Did Ginny Weasley Come Up With The Name For?
In Which Book Do Harry & Ginny Share Their First Kiss?
Which Two Positions Did Ginny Play On The Gryffindor Quidditch Team?
What Color Are Ginny's Eyes In The Books?
What Was Ginny's Signature Spell?
How Did Ginny Get Possession Of Tom Riddle's Diary?
True Or False: Ginny Is Two Years Younger Than Ron, Harry & Hermione
What Is The Name Of Ginny's Pet Pygmy Puff?
Which Professional Quidditch Team Did Ginny Play For After Hogwarts?
Which Wizarding Paper Did Ginny Become The Senior Quidditch Correspondent For After Her Playing Career?
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Ginny Weasley Quiz Questions & Answers

Here are all of the questions and answers from the quiz and also some more context about each of them.

1) What Animal Does Ginny’s Patronus Charm Take The Form Of?

Ginny’s Patronus takes the form of a horse, which was shown during the Order Of The Phoenix movie. This is not specified in the books but a horse is shown during the movies.

2) How Did Ginny Get Possession Of Tom Riddle’s Diary?

It was Lucius Malfoy who slipped Tom Riddle’s diary into Ginny’s Cauldron. This came when they were at Flourish and Blotts during the Chamber Of Secrets.

3) What Is The Name Of Ginny’s Pet Pygmy Puff?

Ginny had a pet Pygmy Puff that was named Arnold. A Pygmy Puff is essentially an animal that looks like a fluffy ball. This pet did not end up making it to the films.

4) Which Two Positions Did Ginny Play On The Gryffindor Quidditch Team?

Ginny played both as a Chaser and Seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team during her time at Hogwarts. She is considered to be a very talented player and went on to play professionally after she was finished at Hogwarts.

5) In Which Book Do Harry & Ginny Share Their First Kiss?

Harry and Ginny shared their first kiss during the Half-Blood Prince book and movie. Their relationship would grow after that and they would go on to get married and have children together.

6) When Is Ginny’s Birthday?

Ginny’s birthday is on August 11th, 1981. This means that she shares a birthday with names like Chris Hemsworth, Hulk Hogan, Joe Rogan, and Viola Davis. For those wondering, Bonnie Wright’s birthday is February 17th, 1991.

7) Which Organization Did Ginny Weasley Come Up With The Name For?

Ginny is responsible for coming up with the name for Dumbledore’s Army. This came after Cho Chang had come up with the initials ‘DA’ for the group. It is a pretty cool fact that she came up with the name of the group that played such a large role.

8) Who Was Ginny’s Date At Slughorn’s Christmas Party?

Ginny’s date at Slughorn’s Christmas party was Dean Thomas. The two of them were dating at the time. Dean and Ginny ended up breaking up after this time and she started dating Harry.

9) Which Professional Quidditch Team Did Ginny Play For After Hogwarts?

After graduating from Hogwarts, Ginny went on to play professionally for the Holyhead Harpies. They are best known for being an all-female team. It is suspected that Ginny played Chaser for the team but she also may have played Seeker.

10) Which Wizarding Paper Did Ginny Become The Senior Quidditch Correspondent For After Her Playing Career?

Ginny became the Senior Quidditch Correspondent for The Daily Prophet after she finished playing professionally. This came after she and Harry had their three children together.

11) What Is Ginny’s Real Name?

Ginny’s full name is Ginevra Molly Weasley. She is also sometimes referred to as Gin by Harry. Her middle name is obviously a tribute to her mother, Molly Weasley. There was early speculation from fans that her full name may have been ‘Virginia’ but that didn’t turn out to be the case.

12) What Was Ginny’s Signature Spell?

Ginny’s signature spell is the Bat-Bogey Hex and she was even complimented on it by Professor Slughorn, who called it “marvellous”. This spell transforms the victims bogeys into bats that fly out of their nose.

13) True Or False: Ginny Is Two Years Younger Than Ron, Harry & Hermione

This is false as Ginny is only one year younger than Ron, Harry, and Hermione. She is the same age as Luna Lovegood and Colin Creevey.

14) What Color Are Ginny’s Eyes In The Books?

Ginny’s eyes are brown in the books. Bonnie Wright’s eyes are blue but avid book readers know that Ginny’s eyes are supposed to be brown.

Some Additional Ginny Weasley Facts

Here are some additional facts about Ginny the character and also Bonnie Wright, who played her in the movies:

Behind-The-Scenes Details About The Character

1) J.K Rowling revealed on Twitter that Ginny’s wand would be made from yew. A wand core was not specified. An interesting note is that Yew is the same wood that the wand of Lord Voldemort was made from.

2) Ginny appeared in all 8 of the films in the series. She is one of only 14 total characters that can say the same thing. The rest of the list includes Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Rubeus Hagrid, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Seamus Finnigan, Fred & George Weasley, and Gregory Goyle.

Some Bonnie Wright Facts

3) Bonnie Wright did not have any previous acting or stage experience when she got the role of Ginny.

4) Bonnie Wright took the sorting hat quiz and ended up getting put into Gryffindor. This matches Bonnie with Ginny in terms of house.

5) During an interview, Bonnie said that it was strange kissing Daniel Radcliffe because they had known each other for so long.

So, how did you score on our Ginny Weasley quiz? Let me know in the comment section below or on Twitter. We would also love to find out your favorite scene or quote from her.

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