The Protego Quiz

The Shield charm is something that Harry Potter fans should be familiar with as it used a bunch during the series. Using the incantation of Protego, the caster is able to block spells and charms that are sent at them. We have put together a Protego quiz that will test your knowledge. These will be some specific trivia questions about the uses from the series (from both the books and movies).

The Protego Quiz: How Much Do You Know About The Shield Charm?

Instructions: We give you 5 trivia questions and you have to select what you think is the correct answer. We will let you know how you scored at the end and there are some more details below for each answer.

True Or False: Students At Hogwarts Learn This Charm In Their First Year Defense Against The Dark Arts Class
Professor Umbridge uses this spell to block something in the Forbidden Forest. What object does she block? 
From the Order of the Phoenix movie
Harry Potter uses this spell to block Professor Snape during their lessons in Order of the Phoenix. What type of training was Snape doing on Harry when this happened?
In what year did Harry's class practice shield charms non-verbally (this was in their first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year)?
From the books only
True Or False: Protego totalum Is A Variation Of The Shield Charm
Check Answers

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Trivia Questions & Answers

1) True Or False: Students Learned This In Their First Year Defense Against The Dark Arts Class

This is false as Harry didn’t learn this charm until he was preparing for the third task during the Triwizard Tournament.

This was before a normal student would have learned the spell and they definitely didn’t learn it during their first year.

– SOURCE: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 31

2) Professor Umbridge uses this spell to block something in the Forbidden Forest. What object does she block? 

– Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie

Professor Umbridge blocks an arrow that is shot at her in the Forbidden Forest. This arrow was shot at her by a Centaur, while she was with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in the forest.


3) Harry Potter uses this spell to block Professor Snape during their lessons in Order of the Phoenix. What type of training was Snape doing on Harry when this happened?

Snape was working with Harry on his Occlumency lessons. He used ‘Protego’ to block Snape’s Legilimency attempt, which allowed Harry to see into his mind and memories.

This training was done in order to try and help Harry against Lord Voldemort, if he tried to control his mind.


4) In what year did Harry’s class practice shield charms non-verbally (this was in their first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson of the year)?

– From the books only

This was in their sixth-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Harry ended up knocking Snape into a table after blocking one of his charms.

– SOURCE: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 9

On a related note, make sure to try our Reducto quiz or our Wingardium Leviosa quiz next, which are both in the same format as this.

5) True Or False: Protego Totalum Is A Variation Of The Shield Charm

This is true as Protego totalum is a variation of the Shield Charm. Hermione Granger used this when shielding their camp in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Protego Maxima is another variation of the Shield Charm.


How did you score on this? Let us know in the comment section below or on social media. 

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