The Susan Bones Quiz

Susan Bones is a very minor character from the Harry Potter series. Susan is an interesting (and tragic) character based on many of her family members being killed by Lord Voldemort. She ended up joining Dumbledore’s Army and fighting back at the Battle of Hogwarts. We have put together a small quiz about her. This will include questions about the character from both the books and the movies. 

The Susan Bones Quiz

Instructions: We will give you some multiple choice questions and you have to select what you think is the correct answer. Should be pretty easy to follow!

Which Hogwarts House was Susan Bones in?
What was the name of Susan's aunt, who worked for the Ministry of Magic and was murdered?
In the first two films, Susan was played by the daughter of a famous director. Who was it? 
In the books, which body part did Susan lose during Apparition lessons (due to 'Splinching').
True Or False: Susan was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts. 
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  • Make sure to check out more of our trivia quizzes if you liked this one. We have many that focus on specific characters from the series, like Susan.

Trivia Questions & Answers

1) Which Hogwarts House was Susan Bones in?

Susan was a member of Hufflepuff House when she attended Hogwarts and she was in the same year as Harry Potter. Her fellow Hufflepuff’s from the same year include Hannah Abbott, Justin Finch-Fletchley, and Ernie Macmillan

2) What was the name of Susan’s aunt, who worked for the Ministry of Magic and was murdered?

Susan’s aunt was Amelia Bones, who worked as the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Amelia was murdered in her home, with many assuming that it was done by Lord Voldemort himself. 

Speaking of the Ministry of Magic, you can take our Department of Mysteries quiz next.

3) In the first two films, Susan was played by the daughter of a famous director. Who was it? 

In the first two films, Susan was played by Eleanor Columbus, who was the daughter of Chris Columbus. Chris directed the first two Harry Potter movies. Columbus is known for directing the first Home Alone movie and also for directing Mrs. Doubtfire with Robin Williams.

4) In the books, which body part did Susan lose during Apparition lessons (due to ‘Splinching’).

Susan lost her left leg during the first apparition lesson in Half-Blood Prince. This came when she ‘splinched’ herself, meaning her leg was separated from the rest of her body. Fortunately for Susan, it was later re-attached by the Hogwarts staff, so she didn’t lose it permanently.

  • SOURCE: Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 18

5) True Or False: Susan was killed during the Battle of Hogwarts. 

This is false as there is no evidence that Susan was killed during the Battle and she was not among the list of casualties. Not much is known about what happened to Susan after the battle but she didn’t suffer the same fate as her other family members at the hands of Voldemort.

On a related note, make sure to take our Battle of Hogwarts quiz, where you will be tested on different things that happened during the legendary battle.

How did you score on this? Let us know in the comments or on Twitter. We would also love to know what you thought of her as a character. She played a minor role but was pretty interesting none-the-less. 

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